angelguerra on main via v34.0.0 took 34 years
git config --list
-Ángel Guerra
- user.hobbies=Ninjutsu | Kick Boxing | Anime | Chess
- user.role=Full Stack programmer
- user.currentSkills=Javascript | React | Ruby | RubyOnRails
- core.editor=vscode
- remote.origin.url=@regazofotografia
- branch.main.remote=origin
- branch.main.forks=3
angelguerra on main via v34.0.0
## Bio
Developer based in Cantabria, currently working in Entelgy where I use mainly RubyOnRails and React as main development tools. I consider myself a restless person as far as
the programming world is concerned so, almost always, I'm trying new things
or tinkering with some technology that comes up.